Big Gay Blog

We cover topics from oral health to queer history every month. Sign up for our newsletter below.

Why Choose a Fee-For-Service Office?

Why Choose a Fee-For-Service Office?

When it comes to receiving oral healthcare, patients can choose between dental offices that accept insurance and those that operate on a fee-for-service basis.

Transforming Dentistry: Unveiling Cerec and Instant Crowns

Transforming Dentistry: Unveiling Cerec and Instant Crowns

Imagine a time when dental appointments become less of a dread, where you can walk into a dental clinic in the morning and walk out in the afternoon with a brand-new permanent crown.

Unlocking The Smile of Tomorrow: In-Office 3D Milling

Unlocking The Smile of Tomorrow: In-Office 3D Milling

Dentistry has experienced a remarkable transformation in recent years, thanks to cutting-edge technologies that have revolutionized patient care. One of the most groundbreaking developments in the field is the integration of in-office 3D milling.

WHO declared December 1 as the 1st World AIDS Day

WHO declared December 1 as the 1st World AIDS Day

On December 1, 1988, the world marked an important step in the battle against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This date was designated as the first World AIDS Day by the World Health Organization (WHO), establishing a day of unity, awareness, and remembrance, aimed at combatting the global spread of HIV/AIDS and mourning those who had died from the disease.

The AIDS Quilt: A Tapestry of Loss, Love, and Remembrance

The AIDS Quilt: A Tapestry of Loss, Love, and Remembrance

In the mid-1980s, as the AIDS epidemic swept through communities around the world, a powerful visual symbol of loss, love, and remembrance emerged: The AIDS Memorial Quilt. This poignant project transformed personal grief into a public expression of solidarity and became a key piece of activist art in the fight against AIDS.

Perry Watkins and the Landmark Case of Watkins v. United States Army

Perry Watkins and the Landmark Case of Watkins v. United States Army

In 1983, a groundbreaking decision emerged from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that would significantly influence the United States military's policies towards LGBTQ+ service members. This was the case of Watkins v. United States Army, involving Sergeant Perry Watkins, whose struggle against discrimination would pave the way for future reforms in military policy.

PFLAG: A Cornerstone of Support and Advocacy in the LGBTQ+ Community

PFLAG: A Cornerstone of Support and Advocacy in the LGBTQ+ Community

In 1979, amidst a climate of adversity and the burgeoning fight for LGBTQ+ rights, an essential organization began to spread its roots across the United States.

National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights

National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights

In the annals of LGBTQ+ history, the year 1979 stands as a pivotal moment marked by the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.

The Rainbow Flag: A Symbol of Pride and Resilience

The Rainbow Flag: A Symbol of Pride and Resilience

In the vibrant tapestry of human history, certain moments stand out as beacons of progress and unity. One such moment occurred on June 25, 1978, in San Francisco, when the Rainbow Flag was first unfurled during the Gay Freedom Parade.

Understanding Root Canal Treatments: Causes, Procedures, and Prevention

Understanding Root Canal Treatments: Causes, Procedures, and Prevention

A root canal is a dental procedure aimed at treating infection at the center of a tooth (the root canal system). It is not just a treatment but a last resort to save a tooth that might otherwise need to be removed completely.

Understanding TMJ & Its Complexities

Understanding TMJ & Its Complexities

For nearly a century, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders have plagued individuals with chronic pain, metal jaws, and futile treatment attempts. Despite dentists' efforts to alleviate TMJ symptoms, these disorders persist as misunderstood, under-researched, and inadequately treated conditions.

A Letter from Dr. Rob about Oral Cancer Awareness Month, April.

A Letter from Dr. Rob about Oral Cancer Awareness Month, April.

As a dentist, I have dedicated my career to helping patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health. One of the most significant obstacles I encounter in this endeavor is the use of tobacco products.

Automatic or Manual Toothbrush

Automatic or Manual Toothbrush

Using an automatic (or electric) toothbrush instead of a manual one offers several advantages in terms of oral health, efficiency, and convenience.

New At-Home Test for Gingivitis Protects Oral Health

New At-Home Test for Gingivitis Protects Oral Health

In a leap forward for dental care, engineers at the University of Cincinnati have introduced a cutting-edge device designed to alert consumers to the early risks of tooth decay, particularly stemming from diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.

AI And Dentistry

AI And Dentistry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly reshaping the landscape of healthcare, and dentistry is no exception. Dentists and patients are experiencing the profound benefits of AI in various aspects of oral healthcare.

Celebrating Inclusivity: Big Gay Smiles Hosts Adm. Levine and Admin. Guzman

Celebrating Inclusivity: Big Gay Smiles Hosts Adm. Levine and Admin. Guzman

We are thrilled to share an exciting update that marks a significant milestone for Big Gay Smiles and the LGBTQ+ community. In June, we had the immense honor of welcoming two distinguished visitors from the White House: Admiral Rachel Levine, the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Isabel Guzman, the Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Their visit highlighted the dedication and commitment of LGBTQ-owned businesses during Pride Month, an event that underscores our mission and values at Big Gay Smiles.

The Importance of Dental Exams for the LGBTQIA+ Community

The Importance of Dental Exams for the LGBTQIA+ Community

It's a common misconception that regular dental exams are just a mundane chore we all must endure. However, for the LGBTQ2IA+ community, regular dental exams can be a game-changer when it comes to health and wellness.

Queer and Dental Spaces and Their Importance- Now More Than Ever!

Queer and Dental Spaces and Their Importance- Now More Than Ever!

The emergence of queer dental spaces has been a game-changer for the LGBTQ+ community, addressing unique challenges in accessing quality dental care throughout history.

Queer Resilience: Illuminating Our History and Reveling in Pride

Queer Resilience: Illuminating Our History and Reveling in Pride

In the shimmering kaleidoscope of my queer existence, I find myself standing on the precipice of history, enveloped in the giant shadows of those who bravely walked this path before us.

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